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Ginzburg 1966




Meridians: Central meridian is a straight line 59.2% as long as the equator. Other meridians are complex curves concave toward the central meridian.
Parallels: Complex curves convex toward the straight equator. Perpendicular to the central meridian and equally spaced along it.
Poles: Curves.
Symmetry: About the central meridian and the equator.


Scale is correct along the central meridian. Scale is constant along the equator, being 38/45ths of true scale.


Free of distortion nowhere. Distortion is largely in the form of angular deformation below the arctic and antarctic circles, but then transitions into severe inflation toward the corners.

Similar projections

Ginzburg IV, V, VI, and 1966 all share a similar design plan.
The generalized Wagner can be parameterized into a similar configuration.


Presented by Georgiy Aleksandrovich Ginzburg in 1966.

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